
Twenty-second floor

Двадцять другий поверх // Twenty-second floor // Vingt-deuxième étage // Ventiduesimo piano

Within two weeks of the war, russia fired more than 775 missiles at peaceful Ukrainians.

They damaged and destroyed: hospitals, maternity clinics, kindergartens, boarding schools and primary schools, apartment buildings, universities, churches, airports, roads, bridges, factories, bakeries.

Residents have suffered the most in: Kharkiv, Mariupol, Sumy, Mykolaiv, Chernihiv, Kherson, Gostomel, Volnovakha, Kherson, Nova Kakhovka, Irpen, Bucha.

Ukraine is a land of free and open people. We are resisting. But today we need a closed sky!

KINODOPOMOHA — channel of film resistance and film aid from the Ukrainian film community