
Day 712: Russia intensifies attacks on Ukraine by almost quarter, Ukraine’s Interior Minister says

Russia intensifies attacks on Ukraine by almost a quarter, Ukraine’s Interior Minister says. Ukrainian troops strike Russian targets behind the front lines: a strike on a restaurant in Lysychansk kills Russian-installed “authorities”. Russian artillery fire into Kherson kills four, injures one other.

Russia intensifies attacks on Ukraine by almost quarter, Ukraine’s Interior Minister says

Last week, Russian forces launched more than 1,500 attacks on Ukraine, a 24 per cent increase from the week before, Interior Minister of Ukraine, Ihor Klymenko said on Telegram on Monday.

“Last week, the intensity of [Russian] attacks increased by almost a quarter. The enemy launched more than 1,500 air strikes at Ukraine,” Klymenko said.

“More than 570 cities and towns were targeted, most of which sit in Zaporizhzhia region. In the past week, Russian air strikes killed 12 people and injured 60 others,” he added.

Ukrainian troops strike Russian targets behind front lines: a strike on restaurant in Lysychansk kills Russian-installed “authorities”

A missile strike on a restaurant in Russia-occupied city of Lysychansk on February 3 killed two Russian-installed members of the “local council”, Artyom Trostyanskyi and Ivan Zhushma. The strike also killed the “minister of emergency situations” of Russia-controlled Luhansk region, Alexey Poteleshchenko, Russian state-run news agency RIA Novosti said.

According to Russian and Ukrainian Telegram channels, Zhushma was celebrating his birthday at the restaurant that was hit. Poteleshchenko was one of the guests in attendance.

Russian state-run media earlier said that a Ukrainian strike hit a bakery, causing civilian casualties. Russian Telegram channel Astra, citing local residents, said that a strike targeted a restaurant where Russian members of the military were dining. 

Ukrainian journalist Denys Kazanskyi said representatives of Russian-installed local “authorities”, including top “officials” of the “emergency ministry”, “prosecutors”, and members of the “local assembly” were in the restaurant at the time of the strike.

According to Russian sources, 28 people were killed in the attack. 

Russian artillery fire into Kherson kills four, injures one other

Russian artillery fire into the city of Kherson on Monday killed four people and injured one other person, local officials said.

“After 12 p.m., Russian occupying forces shelled Kherson from the temporarily occupied left bank [of the Dnipro river],” head of the Kherson city military administration, Roman Mrochko said.

Between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m., Russian artillery fire killed four civilians and injured one other, he added.

An artillery strike killed two men traveling in a car, head of the Kherson regional military administration, Oleksandr Prokudin said.  

A 61-year-old man who was staying indoors, was killed. A 66-year-old woman outdoors during the attack was also killed, Mrochko said.

A 24-year-old man suffered a blast injury and a gunshot wound to the leg. He was taken to hospital. 

Monitoring of Military Activity Worldwide and Forecasts for 2024. Ukraine in Flames #568

Currently, there are 183 regional and local conflicts in the world. This is the highest rate in the last three decades and these conflicts will not end quickly. Conflicts have become more complex, more deadly and more difficult to resolve. Fears about the possibility of nuclear war have resurfaced. New potential areas of conflict and means of warfare create new ways in which humanity can destroy itself. Watch Ukraine in flames #568 to find out about War Index 2023, which examines actively manifesting conflicts worldwide through a series of indicators identifying the conflict’s essence, progression, and significance for regional and global security. 


  • Yuriy Syrotiuk, Director of the Analytical Center “Ukrainian Studies of Strategic Research”, Junior Sergeant of the 5th Separate Assault Brigade
  • Andriy Rudyk, Political Analyst, PhD in Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Yuriy Oliynyk, Head of Research Programs of the Analytical Center “Ukrainian Studies of Strategic Research”