Topic: “Ways to achieve peace at the Donbass: public sentiment, expectations, warnings” Date: 06.12.2019 Time: 10:30
Topic: “How the Ministry of Justice illegally hides the business registers” Date: 03.12.2019 Time: 11:00
Topic: “The list of political prisoners has grown again. History of Alexander Marchenko” Date: 03.12.2019 Time: 10:00
Topic: “Presentation of the program of activity of the newly created NGO “Ukrainian Association of Military Medicine” Date: 02.12.2019 Time: 11:00
Round table: “Offshore and Land Reform: Conclusions of the European Parliament’s Study on Offshore Exporters of Ukraine in the Context of Proposed Land Privatization” Date: 29.11.2019 Time: 11:00