Topic: ”Presentation of the report of the Congress of Ethnic Communities of Ukraine ”Xenophobia in Ukraine – 2018” Date: 14.03.2019 Time: 11:00
Topic: «How domestic consumers of gas protect their rights, and where to find the truth about gas payment» Date: 13.03.2019 Time: 13:00
Topic: “Why Putin’s war against Ukraine will be with us for quite a while” Date: 12.03.2019 Time: 14:00
Topic: “Presentation of a new report of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine” Date: 12.03.2019 Time: 10:00
Topic: ”Ukrainian youth showed solidarity with political prisoners in Crimea and the Crimean Tatar people” Date: 11.03.2019 Time: 12:00
Topic: «Presentation of the publication of the Center for the Study of the security environment «Prometheus» «Crimea behind the veil. Guide to the Occupation Zone» Date: 07.03.2019 Time: 14:00