Topic: «The results of the annual International Week for the prevention of lead poisoning in Ukraine: the prohibition of use of lead in paint!» Date: 01.11.2018 Time: 11:30
Frank Schwabe, Spokesman on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) faction in German Bundestag, Head of Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Date: 31.10.2018 Time: 17:30
Topic: “Weekly updates on the security in Ukraine and OSCE SMM activities” Date: 31.10.2018 Time: 15:00
Topic: “Challenge in trusting: the results of the “Biennale of trust” in Lviv” Date: 31.10.2018 Time: 13:30
Topic: “Presentation of the Medical Procurement Analytical module – an online tool for the analysis of procurement of medicines” Date: 31.10.2018 Time: 12:00
Round Table: “Launch Event: Transatlantic Task Force on Elections and Civil Society in Ukraine” Date: 30.10.2018 Time: 15:00
Topic: «Presentation of works of Crimean political prisoners` children «My father – is a hero» Date: 29.10.2018 Time: 13:00
How did decentralization teach communities to manage? UCMC-DOBRE «Communities Spokespersons» project Date: 29.10.2018 Time: 12:00