Topic: “Establishment of the award in the name of Hero of Heavenly Hundred Sergiy Baydovsky” Date: 10.10.2018 Time: 12:00
Topic: “Presentation of the research “Religious occupation: oppression of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyivan Patriarchate in Crimea” Date: 09.10.2018 Time: 14:00
Topic: “Crime of Freedom”: a documentary about illegally detained persons in the basements of the former Lugansk Regional Administration after the occupation” Date: 09.10.2018 Time: 13:00
Roundtable on topic: “Who takes care of children in consolidated communities?” Date: 05.10.2018 Time: 11:00
Topic: “International Art Residence “Kavaleridze. RE: VISION”: soft decommunization” Date: 04.10.2018 Time: 13:00
Topic: “Presentation of the research “Key aspects of employment for refugees, persons who need additional protection and asylum seekers in Ukraine” Date: 04.10.2018 Time: 12:00
Topic: “Healthcare without corruption. Future of Oleksandr Bohomolets National Medical University” Date: 04.10.2018 Time: 11:00