Topic: “Presentation of new features of the National Competition ‘Merits of a Profession” in 2018, a special nomination ‘Charge up Against Corruption’, results of independent regional media monitoring on coverage of local budget issues, and a discussion on the role of mass media in reducing public tolerance for corruption” Date: 22.03.2018 Time: 11:00
Topic: “Why is there a need for immediate moratorium on tree trimming in Kyiv?” Date: 21.03.2018 Time: 15:00
Topic: “Competition for the Award in the name of Dmytro Maksymov, the Heavenly Hundred Hero” Date: 21.03.2018 Time: 14:00
Topic: “Announcement of the winners of the National competition ’Charitable Ukraine – 2017’” Date: 20.03.2018 Time: 12:00
Topic: “Presentation of criteria and methodology to determine dishonest judges” Date: 20.03.2018 Time: 11:00
Topic: “UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine presents 21st Report on human rights situation in Ukraine” Date: 19.03.2018 Time: 10:30