
Topic: “Kyiv. The battle of strategies”

Souspilnist Foundation together with the Ukraine Crisis Media Center and the University Community Campus 3.0 with the assistance of the Independent Media Council and UA: Suspilne Broadcasting organizes a debate “Kyiv. The battle of strategies.”
The purpose of the debate is to present and discuss the strategies for the development of the capital, which are proposed by candidates for mayor.
Representatives of political teams elected by the university community are invited to the debate. They will debate in 4 thematic blocks: “Kyiv General Development Plan”, “City Ecosystem”, “Transport and Infrastructure”, “Safe Capital”.

    • Questions for discussion:
    1. – What is the specific action plan of the candidate?
    1. – How quickly can candidates deal with problems and implement their program to overcome “obsolete problems”?
      – What innovation can be offered for the city?