Yaroslava Kravchenko, Head of the Guild, founder of the Wild Theater and Scene 6
Oleksander Fomenko, member of the Guild Council, stage director, actor, public figure
Pavlo Yurov, member of the Guild Council, stage director
Catharina Sinchillo, member of the Guild Council, actress, producer and director (KHAT Theater)
Inna Honcharova, member of the Guild Council, producer and director (“Maskam Rad” and The “Joyfest” Theater)
Neda Nezhdana, member of the Guild Council, public activist and cultural scientist, author of a research paper about independent theaters (Kurbas Center and “MIST” Theater)
Olena Salata, member of the Guild Council, public figure, cultural manager of the NGO “Cultural Assembly”, Reanimation Package of Reforms