
An airstrike on Kramatorsk: 25 people are injured, dozens of houses, 2 schools, and a kindergarten are damaged

Краматорськ. Наслідки авіаракетного удару.

810 flats in 32 apartment buildings were damaged as a result of a missile strike on Kramatorsk by the Russians on the morning of May 5.

In addition, 6 private houses, 2 schools, a kindergarten, a medical facility, a boiler room, several enterprises, and commercial establishments were also shelled.

This was reported by the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration Pavlo Kyrylenko. There is no electricity in 5 apartment buildings and gas – in 15. Repair works are being carried out.

“This is a deliberate attack on civilians, which could have resulted in a huge number of casualties, but a timely evacuation saved dozens of lives. No one was killed, but 25 people were injured,” Pavlo Kyrylenko said.