
Russian occupiers shield armored vehicles with children and women. Operational information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

21:20 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: Operational information as of 18:00 on February 27 regarding the Russian invasion.

The Russian Federation continues to accumulate aviation equipment and intensify special forces on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. More than 50 planes, 10 helicopters and 2 An-124 planes are concentrated at Machulishi airfield. Transport planes are constantly taking off from Baranovychi and Machulishchi airfields in the direction of Ukraine.

The Belarusian command has brought some of its units into combat readiness.

Conducting an offensive operation in Ukraine, the Russian occupiers use methods of combat prohibited by international humanitarian law: 

  • seize social infrastructure, wear the uniform of the Ukrainian military, police and SES;
  • sabotage special forces use ambulances and police cars stolen from doctors and ambulance stations; 
  • terrorists occupy children’s camps and schools, enemy artillery and MLRS are deployed on sports grounds. 

Three ambulances with conditional markings of invaders were recently spotted in Kyiv. 

In Henichesk district of Kherson region, the Russian occupiers deployed MSTA-S artillery units in residential buildings.

 A column is moving in the direction of Makariv – Kyiv, and to shield their armored vehicles, the enemy has placed on it children and women.

However, the moral and psychological condition of the occupying forces is low. Near Koriukivka in Chernihiv region, conscripts of the Russian Armed Forces are ready to lay down their arms and surrender.

Hundreds of disabled armored vehicles and tanks have been abandoned all over Ukraine.

As of 18:00, the loss of enemy personnel amounted to about 4,500 people. Destroyed and damaged aircraft – 27 units (to be specified), helicopters – 26 units, tanks – about 150, AFVs – more than 700 units, guns – about 50, one anti-aircraft missile complex BUK, four MLRS BM-21 Grad, 60 fuel tanks, 2 UAVs of tactical level, ships, boats – 2 units.

There will be more. The calculation is complicated by the high intensity of hostilities.