
How Kremlin Narratives Infiltrated Vatican Rhetoric

Written by Anastasiia Ratieieva

The Russian propaganda machine works tirelessly to distort reality and justify its aggression against Ukraine. Recently, Russian propagandists have increased their efforts to spread disinformation about the religious situation in Ukraine. This is due to the recently passed law prohibiting religious organizations affiliated with Russia.

Let’s take a look at some of the Kremlin’s main narratives and refute them…

Russian Narrative: “The data on Ukrainians’ support for the ban on the UOC-MP is fake”

Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for Russia’s Foreign Ministry:

“The United States’ leniency toward Kyiv on religious issues only reinforces the Zelenskyy regime’s sense of permissiveness and impunity. The junta-controlled media outlets are replicating the ideology of the Ukrainian Nazis, citing false data about the alleged support of the majority of Ukrainians for the ban on the UOC.”


According to a survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) in April 2024, 83% of Ukrainians believe the state should intervene in the UOC’s activities to some degree. In particular, 63% believe that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church should be outright banned in Ukraine.

These data refute Russian propagandists’ claims that support for UOC-MP restrictions is “fake news.” Ukrainians do express strong support for such measures. 

Russian Narrative: “Pope Francis strongly condemned the church law”

Sergei Markov, a pro-Kremlin political analyst:

“The Pope condemned the Ukrainian junta’s attempts to ban the Orthodox Ukrainian Church. They are doing this because they recognize that the defeat of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine is being carried out by roughly the same political forces that will be delighted to defeat the Catholic and Protestant churches in the next stage. However, they are also afraid of them. That is why they criticize Ukrainian authorities in a mild way.”

Vladimir Solovyov, top propagandist; Telegram channel (1,300,000 subscribers):

“‘Churches cannot be touched!” – Pope Francis condemned the Kyiv regime’s law banning the UOC. The pontiff urged against abolishing any Christian church, either indirectly or directly, because “churches are inviolable”.


The Pope did comment on the new Ukrainian law governing the activities of Russian-linked religious organizations. However, his statements were far more nuanced than propagandists claim.

Pope Francis stated that “no Christian church should be abolished in Ukraine”. He expressed concern about religious freedom but did not “strongly condemn” the legislation, as Russian sources claim.

It is critical to understand the context: the Vatican intends to maintain dialogue with all parties, including Moscow. This frequently results in careful wording that propagandists like to distort.

Russian Narrative: “Religion is being persecuted in Ukraine”

Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for Russia’s Foreign Ministry:

“We are talking about a blatant violation of freedom of religion in the world practice, accompanied by persecution of clergy, theft of churches and monasteries. They are transferred to a pseudo-religious organization controlled by the authorities. They are engaged in outright intimidation of parishioners.” 

Roman Golovanov, pro-Kremlin journalist with conservative views, Telegram channel (84,000):

“Orthodox Christians will start to be caught in Ukraine. Zelensky signed a decree banning the Orthodox Church. It was his dream. The order from the devil has been fulfilled. Now believers are going to be caught in Lviv. If they gather for secret liturgies. This is a war with Christ.”

Dmitry Peskov:

“The Kyiv regime continues to show its true colors by putting pressure on religious freedom and the Orthodox Church.”


Ukraine takes action against religious organizations linked to the aggressor country, not against religion in general. 

The law signed by President Zelenskyy prohibits religious organizations associated with the aggressor country, Russia. The primary target is the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), which has long been affiliated with the Russian Orthodox Church and has demonstrated ties to the aggressor country. 

According to a study conducted by the State Service for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience, the UOC-MP remains a Russian-based organization. The goal is to prevent foreign interference via religious organizations, not to persecute believers. Read more in our analysis. 

Russian Narrative: “All those in favor are enemies, those against are friends”

Yulia Vityazeva’s Telegram channel, 68,000:

“Usyk attended a service in the church of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. He came to bargain and negotiate with God today after lobbying with the ghoul Zelensky yesterday.”

Mercury, anonymous telegram channel, 62,000:

(about Oleksandr Usyk)

“Unlike his friend Lomachenko (boxer – UCMC), who openly defended his church, this one decided to join the jackals with his handshake. Tomorrow he may become a Buddhist, and the next day a Lutheran, who knows…”

Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry:

“The investigation of the American Conservative magazine, based on the analyzed facts, clearly shows that systematic violations of the rights of the Orthodox flock by the Kyiv authorities began not in February 2022, but in 2018. The role of the Ukrainian media in inciting intolerance against the clergy of the UOC is particularly emphasized.”


Boxer Oleksandr Usyk, once “sung” by Russian propagandists as a “bearer of the Orthodox faith,” has come out in support of Ukraine’s policy of countering Russian influence. 

The propagandists’ messages are now aimed at discrediting Usyk as someone who allegedly alters his beliefs and actions based on circumstances and influence, undermining his credibility with his audience.

The use of the American Conservative is not a new tactic in Kremlin propaganda. Maria Zakharova uses it to “strengthen” her own arguments, but the magazine’s reputation is not without flaws. The Center for Countering Disinformation has repeatedly noted how this publication reinforces the Russian regime’s narratives. Specifically, the magazine’s articles stated that “the United States is to blame for the war in Ukraine” and that sanctions “only benefited Russia.”