
Identity manipulation: exposing the myths of Russian propaganda in the south and east of Ukraine

Through its narratives and myths, Russia still influences the public’s mind. For centuries, they have tried to destroy Ukrainians as a nation, now they are destroying the state. Identity has many dimensions: ethnic, civic, regional, professional, religious, political and many others. The destruction of our ethnic, national identity has always been the goal of the Russian Empire-USSR-RF.

Now it is very important for us to preserve our civic identity – a sense of belonging to the state, trust in each other, respect and pride, readiness to protect and defend ourselves. This is the main target of Russian propaganda and manipulations.

The nation needs the past, but now it is fighting for the future of Ukraine.

Do not trust Russian propaganda! Preserve your civic identity!

The video shows the key findings of deeply-rooted myths of Russian propaganda. The myths were selected from a special study conducted by the Ukraine Crisis Media Center’s team. Refutations and explanations were prepared with the involvement of local lore experts.