
PODCAST tRUEcrime #12 Back to The Future: Russia’s School Kids Return to Soviet-Style Military Training

#tRUEcrime Podcast – dedicated to tackling russian #hybridthreats and the tools of influence #russianpropaganda employs. Produced by Hybrid Warfare Analysis Group (UCMC)
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Back to the Future: Russia’s School Kids Return to Soviet-Style Military Training

Host: Matt Wickham

In this episode, we will explore how Russia leverages its school education system, particularly through recent educational reforms, to shape school children into compliant Russian subjects, preparing them to serve as obedient soldiers who, without hesitation, may be deployed to the frontlines of current and future wars initiated by Russia.

Our focus in this #EP will be on the reintroduction of ‘Initial Military Training’ in schools, as a response to Russia’s failures in Ukraine, and the youth groups designed to curb critical thinking and instill loyalty to the state!