
Announcement: «Security and Eurointegration in the Eastern Ukraine: Kharkiv Dimension»

On 12 September at 11:00 UCMC press center will host a public discussion «Security and Eurointegration in the Eastern Ukraine: Kharkiv Dimension», organized by the New Europe Center and Carnegie Europe. Carnegie Europe research paper “How Eastern Ukraine adapts and survives” and NEC policy brief “Silence of Kharkiv. Kharkiv dimension of European integration” will be presented at the event.


Balazs Jarabik, Nonresident Scholar at Carnegie Europe
Natalia Shapovalova, Visiting Fellow at Carnegie Europe
Kateryna Zarembo, Deputy Director of the New Europe Center

Sergiy Solodkyy, First Deputy Director of the New Europe Center, and Thomas de Waal, Senior Fellow at Carnegie Europe will moderate the discussion.                                                                    

The event will take place at the Ukraine Crisis Media Center (2 Khreshchatyk Str., Kyiv) from 11:00 to 12:30.

Contact person: Kryvosheiev Dmytro (099 075 68 20,

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