
Announcement of the online webinar “Kremlin Propaganda Tactics in the Baltics, Ukraine and Belarus”

© Forbes

Join us tomorrow, 21st of May at 3 PM (Kyiv time), for an online webinar “Kremlin Propaganda Tactics in the Baltics, Ukraine and Belarus” organized by the Vilnius Institute for Policy Analysis.

“What kind of fixing has COVID-19 brought into already toxic Kremlin’s propaganda cocktail? Pandemic exposed numerous vulnerabilities in the European societies and Kremlin’s propaganda is ready to exploit them. In the first weeks of quarantine, watching and reading news online became one of the coping strategies for societies faced with the unfamiliar setting of isolation and physical-distancing. This context has become a breeding ground for manipulations, conspiracy theories and fringe narratives.”

Liubov Tsybulska, Head of Hybrid Warfare Analytical Group, will be talking about how Kremlin reframes the news about global pandemic to fit its old anti-Western and anti-Ukrainian narratives.