
Russians interrogate children іn Mariupol

© Людмила Денісова, Уповноважена ВРУ з прав людини

Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova: Evacuated residents of temporarily occupied Mariupol report that the russians are interrogating children. Such actions are taken in order to verify the authenticity of the testimony of their parents.

The russians first interrogate the parents, trying to find out the information they need. And then, in their presence, the children are interrogated.
The occupiers are looking for differences in the words of parents and children.

Such “intelligence activities” are carried out in conditions and in a way that puts special moral and psychological pressure not only on parents but also on children.

Children feel fear and insecurity in front of the armed forces.

The occupiers’ actions violate Articles 27 and 31 of the UN Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, which provide for the right to protection from violence and intimidation and the right to protection from any coercion of a physical or moral nature in order to obtain information.