
Russia’s war on Ukraine. Day 19: Russia not to stop in Ukraine, nuclear and chemical threat, China’s possible support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Russia’s war in Ukraine is not ultimate goal. Russia would not stop in the war against Ukraine, Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov said. “If you think that we’ll stop in Ukraine, think it over 300 times. Ukraine is an interim stage of Russia’s strategic security,” Solovyov is quoted as saying. 

The West should stick the sanctions against Russia “up its ass”, he added.

China’s willingness to assist Russia. The U.S. has told allies that China signaled its willingness to provide military assistance to Russia to support its invasion of Ukraine. The U.S. Department of State sent the allies in Europe and Asia declassified information by the intelligence on China’s readiness to provide military assistance to Russia. 

The diplomats provided no further details on the military assistance that China wants to provide.  

A senior Pentagon official did not comment on Financial Times’ request, watched carefully after the situation.

Humanitarian crisis unfolds in Mariupol. A convoy of humanitarian aid destined for Mariupol has not arrived. The city remains blocked by the Russian forces for two weeks. “The convoy stopped within 60 kilometers away from Mariupol. The Russian troops block the convoy’s trucks with food, water, clothes, and buses ready to take the people out of the city. The humanitarian convoy has been there for three days,” said Deputy Chief of the Office of the President of Ukraine Kyrylo Tymosheno. 

In the afternoon, there were reports of a humanitarian corridor to leave the city. Russia fakes a corridor from Mariupol, said the Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories Iryna Vereshchuk. The Russian forces let pass just 160 private cars with a maximum of 600-700 passengers. At least 300,000 people stay in the city.   

Ukraine on Fire #4. Russia’s nuclear and chemical threat. Blackmail or opportunity? Consequences for Ukraine and the world.

Ukrainian officials, experts and local witnesses assess Russia’s nuclear and chemical threat.


Iryna Stavchuk, Deputy Minister for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine

Mariana Budjeryn, Research Associate with the Project on Managing the Atom  at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center

Petro Kotin, Head of the Ukrainian National Nuclear Energy Generating Company “ENERGOATOM”

Oleksandr Pelekh, Head of the Information and Public Relations Department of the South Ukrainian Nuclear Power Station (Iuzhnoukrainsk, Mykolaiv oblast)

Leonid Polyakov, Ukrainian military expert, specialist in defense policy of Ukraine

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