
Shady Horses of Russian Propaganda: Viktor Orban

The project Shady Horses delves into investigating Russian propaganda dissemination within Western countries through prominent individuals, often referred to as “talking heads.” By analyzing the influence and messaging of these figures, the project seeks to shed light on the tactics employed to spread Russian narratives, their impact on public opinion, and their potential connections to foreign organizations.

Viktor Orban has often been portrayed as a critical figure within Russian propaganda due to his policy stances and actions that align with Russia’s interests. Russian media have exploited his emphasis on national sovereignty and criticism of European Union institutions to highlight divisions within the EU and undermine its unity. His friendly stance towards Russia, particularly his support for expanding the Paks nuclear power plant with Russian assistance, has further fueled suspicions of his alignment with Russian interests. His actions have allowed Russia to exploit European disarray and sow discord, ultimately bolstering narratives that benefit the Kremlin’s strategic goals. So who is this shady horse of Russian propaganda?

Who are they? Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban.

Where are they from? Hungary

Political affiliation? One of the founders of the Fidesz party (Union of Young Democrats). He is known for his pro-Russian, populist, and conservative views

​​What have they been saying?

“We are interested in a stable and democratic Ukraine, but Ukraine can be neither stable nor democratic if it does not give minorities and national communities, including the Hungarian community, what they deserve.”

Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban

“Hungarian minorities in the Transcarpathian region suffer from discrimination and are living under threat. They face discrimination at the legislative level, and very often physical violence.”

Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban

“Throughout all of these crises, this speculator, who calls himself a philanthropist, acted in his own self-interest rather than in the interests of the people of Europe.”

Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban

“We want to know who is responsible for bringing the Europen Union to the brink of bankruptcy. Where is the money EU Commission?”

Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban

“Sanctions only worsen the energy crisis, but we will do our utmost to protect Hungarian families from rising prices”

Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban

“It’s not acceptable that Brussels wants to give 50 billion euros in additional aid to Ukraine while we do not know anything about the use of EU funds sent since the beginning of the war.”

Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban

“Ukraine is a financially non-existent country. We pay pensions, salaries, and Ukrainian healthcare. It is clear that this cannot go on indefinitely.”

Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban