
Top Putin’s Lies From the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

Today’s St. Petersburg International Economic Forum has proven to serve as a platform to push Kremlin propaganda on the war Russia is waging against Ukraine, the sanctions against Russia, and the global repercussions of the military aggression of the biggest scale since the WWII.

In fact, the word “international” is not really applicable to this gathering if one looks at the list of participants: representatives of the terrorist Afghan Taliban and the leader of the unrecognized Kremlin’s puppet “DPR” arrived as foreign guests.

As Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized, “it can be stated that the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum has become another Russian simulacrum, an instrument of the Russian propaganda that has nothing to do with the modern economy and trade.”

The absurd lies Putin voiced at the Forum were aimed to:

  • yet again justify the full-scale invasion of Ukraine
  • take the blame off Russia for provoking the global food crisis
  • portray Russia as invincible to Western sanctions.