
What is happening with Ukrainian culture today?

What is happening with Ukrainian culture today? Ukraine in Flames #643

During the war, Ukrainians were repeatedly reminded that culture is not only about creating meaning in peaceful circumstances but also about constantly engaging with what is happening here and now. In times of war, with all its terrible manifestations, culture does not distance itself from difficult topics but continues to be the nerve of society. Watch Ukraine in Flames #643 to find out about what is happening with Ukrainian culture today, its mission, and how it operates and reacts to wartime challenges.

UKRAINE IN FLAMES project is created by Ukraine Crisis Media Center and NGO “Euroatlantic Course”. We are aiming at searching a loud support for Ukraine in the war started by Russia on the 24th of February 2022.

If you want to support Ukraine against Russian aggression, check the link with recommendations by Ukraine Crisis Media Center –

NGO Euroatlantic Course collects donations to support Ukrainian Army and civilians –