
Ukraine resists Russia’s invasion. Day 26: 115 children killed since invasion, Russia’s provocation toward NATO, missile strike on Kyiv

Russia provokes confrontation with NATO. On March 21, at 13:15 local time, a Russian bomber flew over Ukraine’s Volyn area and entered Poland’s airspace, editor-in-chief of Yuriy Butusov said. The incident follows Poland’s announcement of a proposal for a peacekeeping mission in Ukraine.  

Missile strike on Kyiv’s Podil district kills eight. Russia’s missile strike destroyed a shopping mall in Kyiv, blew out windows in next-door residential houses, and damaged the vehicles parked nearby. 

Russia’s attack on Sumy causes ammonia leak. There is an ammonia leak at the Sumykhimprom chemicals plant on the outskirts of Sumy. The area within a 2.5 kilometer radius is dangerous, said head of the Sumy regional military administration Dmytro Zhyvytskyi. As ammonia is lighter than air, he called to use shelters, basements, and lower floors for protection.

Russia kills and abducts Ukrainian children. At least 115 children were killed in Russia’s war in Ukraine, more than 140 were injured, the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine said. The area with the highest children’s death toll – 58 is Kyiv region.

On March 19, the Russian troops illegally took 2,389 children from temporarily occupied areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions to Russia, Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. 

Forced transfer of civilians, particularly children to the aggressor state is seen as abduction. It violates the international humanitarian law.

Russia destroys cities and kills civilians, takes parental care away from children, and further endangers children’s lives in Russia.

Explaining Ukraine: Ten things to know about Ukraine and its culture

Language, folkloric roots, European connection, tradition and modernity, avant-garde art, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, cultural pluralism. We continue our “Explaining Ukraine” podcast by trying discussing the key traits of Ukrainian culture. Hosts: Volodymyr Yermolenko, analytics director at Internews Ukraine, and Tetyana Ogarkova, in charge of international outreach at the Ukraine Crisis Media Centre. Listen to the podcast

Ukraine in Flames #11: “We went through hell”. Mothers from Kharkiv on Russian war against women and children

Ukraine in Flames #11: “I cannot describe the fear I had for my children.”  Mother from Kharkiv on Russian war against women and children

Ukraine in Flames #11: “We fled Kharkiv in pajamas. We only took the documents with us.” Mother and her kids from Kharkiv on Russian war against women and children