
How to sell advertisement expensively – the first webinar on monetization for regional publications took place

On July 10, the first of a series of webinars for regional publications in 10 areas devoted to media monetization was held, entitled “How to sell advertisement  expensively: advertising products, UTP, values”. Anton Onufrienko, a media manager who shared 17 years of work in the media, 14 of them in management positions and sales, shared his experience and knowledge with the participants. Оsvitoria, information site The Insider .

The trainer talked about the myths and the most popular mistakes which prevent the media from selling and how to work with them. According to Anton Onufrienko, the main components of a successful and strong sales department in the editorial office are personnel, system of adaptation and motivation, healthy competition both outside and inside, technology and analytics (crm + telephony), scripts and sales techniques. The coach agreed that in today’s reality, many local newsrooms are forced to work without a separate advertising department or employee, so all responsibilities fall on the editorial staff (editor and journalists).

Anton Onufrienko voiced the main formats which monetizing media in Ukraine, including media and native advertising, content marketing, related business.

In addition, the participants of the webinar together with the lecturer tried to prepare a unique sales offer of their advertising product and formulate the value of their publications for potential advertisers.

The following webinars will focus on a comprehensive study of basic sales techniques, dealing with failures, evaluating existing sales models, and so on.

The event was part of the Contemporary Regional Media Project – a pledge of quality in a media-competent democratic Ukraine, which is being implemented by the Ukraine Crisis Media Center with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs represented by the Norwegian Embassy in Kiev.