Public Kitchen Opened in the Nedoboiivska Community of Chernivtsi Oblast with the Support of USAID DOBRE

In the village of Shyrivtsi of the Nedoboiivska community, during the celebration of Children’s Day, the capabilities of mobile kitchen equipment purchased by USAID DOBRE were demonstrated to the residents for the first time. The project is implemented as part of the Local Economic Development component of the Program and aims to support local businesses and encourage them to start entrepreneurship. 

The presentation was attended by USAID DOBRE Chief of Party Mr. Brian Kemple, local economic development expert Mr. Vitaliy Yurkiv, program specialist Ms. Maryna Dudyak, local economic development consultant Ms. Nelya Malko, and community engagement specialist Ms. Halyna Skalska.

Community members conceived the idea of a mobile kitchen, whose equipment can be moved between settlements, a year ago. The idea was not only to organize various community events, but also to support local businesses.

“Cooking is not just a process,” says Mr. Mykola Paur, deputy head of Nedoboiivtsi Village Council, “For us, Ukrainians, it is also a long-standing tradition. Today, the residents of our community unite and prepare food for the military at the frontline and for the affected compatriots who come here. Earlier, we traditionally held village days with mass events, where the food courts were popular locations. It was an equally important element of community unification, a place to exchange opinions and suggestions.”

The Nedoboiivska community has long been famous in western Ukraine for its horticultural products. The fruits are not only grown for sale but also processed into delicious juices and made into various delicacies. Many Bukovynians come here for the seasonal picking of cherries, apples, pears, and other berries and fruits. 

In the face of difficult financial conditions, local businesses now have the opportunity to rent mobile kitchen equipment for their needs, including catering for seasonal workers. Residents can use the kitchen to make their own baked goods and try to start their own business. 

“The public mobile kitchen is the first and so far the only project of this kind in Ukraine among our partner communities,” said Mr. Vitaliy Yurkiv, USAID DOBRE Local Economic Development Expert. “At the celebration, residents could see the equipment in operation through master classes organized jointly with local entrepreneurs. They could also taste pizza, fries, grilled vegetables and meat, and Belgian waffles cooked on it. By the way, some of the kitchen utensils and an electric stove will be permanently installed in the school cafeteria in the village of Shyrivtsi and used to prepare meals for students. Thus, the project turned out to be multifunctional for the Nedoboiivska community.”

To implement this project, USAID DOBRE purchased kitchen equipment, chairs and tables for organized catering. A car trailer was purchased for the convenience of transporting the equipment, and a stage and lighting equipment were purchased for organizing public events. The total contribution of USAID DOBRE to this project amounted to almost UAH 1.3 million.

The local government team is already working on promoting the project, developing a procedure for the use of kitchen equipment and conditions for access to it for all interested community members for further approval. In the future, they will plan new public spaces where the mobile kitchen can be used with high efficiency.

The USAID Program, “Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE), is a nine-year program, implemented by Global Communities and funded by the United States Agency for International Development. DOBRE has worked closely with 100 consolidated communities (CCs) in ten Oblasts of Ukraine to help them realize the benefits and meet the challenges brought by decentralization. DOBRE provides technical and material assistance to CCs to help them govern openly and accountably and meet the needs of their citizens; and supports citizens’ active engagement in decision-making and policy making. DOBRE’s support encompasses strategic planning; spatial planning; financial management; public service delivery; local economic development; capacity building; good governance practices; and gender- and youth-responsive policies.

In the period 2022 – 2025, DOBRE will be working directly with at least 60 CCs of Ukraine to help them cope with the consequences of the war, recover and rebuild, and resume their trajectory of positive, sustainable development. Partners with Global Communities in the DOBRE Program Consortium include the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center; the Foundation in Support of Local Democracy, and the Malopolska School of Public Administration at the Krakow University of Economics, Poland.