
Wochenübersicht der ukrainischen pressenachrichten vom 04.11.2014 bis zum 10.11.2014


Formation of coalition and goverment. Official declaration of the election results is being protracted, claims the chairman of the Central Election Committee Mykhaylo Okhendovskyi, referring to the fact that courts’ decisions on vote recounting in voting precincts in some electoral districts might hamper it. In particular, the reference has been made to the district electoral committees No.79 (center – Vasylivka town in Zaporizhzhya region) and No.198 (center – Smila town in Cherkasy region). According to Okhendovskyi, deputies elected in these districts may embark on work a bit later.

While parliamentary coalition is being formed, president-controlled Security Service of Ukraine is demonstrating the evidence of its efficiency. According to the statement of the head of the Security Service of Ukraine Valentyn Nalyvaychenko, a former head of the Secuty Service Counterintelligence involved with mass shooting of people in Maidan has been detained and arrested in Ukraine.

Scandal in the “Volya” party which entered “Samopomich” union unfolds. Leaders of the party demands that three candidates for people’s deputies (Yehor Sobolyev, Viktoriya Voytsitska and Pavlo Kostenko) who entered the parliament by the “Samopomich Union” party list and refused from reinstating membership in “Volya” party, should turn away their deputy mandates.

The BPP in the person of the head of the campaign headquarters of “Block of Petro Poroshenko” party, Vitaliy Kovalchuk, forecasts the “almost final” version of coalition agreement to be ready by November 14th.

Leader of the “Batkivshchyna” party Yuliya Tymoshenko stated that her party was joining the coalition formation negotiations and called upon signing the agreement as soon as possible, i.e. by November 14th. In Tymoshenko’s opinion, the existing documents would suffice to form the government, so the government formation should not be delayed.

Ukrainian Vice prime-minister Volodymyr Hroysman insists on public commitments of the government and people’s deputies of Ukraine on implementation of reforms, recorded in the coalition agreement. Each clause of the coalition agreement is to have its deadlines and its responsible minister.

Infographik: Ukraine’s New Political Landscape. 100% of the voting ballots have been processed and Ukraine has elected its new parliament. With the 52% voting turnout, Ukrainians voted in favor of the People’s Front (22%), Bloc of Petro Poroshenko (21%) and Samopomich (11%) – these three parties will form the governmental coalition in the parliament. The pro-Russian Opposition Bloc received 9% of the votes, the most “radical” parties (Svoboda and the Right Sector) did not pass the 5% electoral threshold. Interestingly, every sixth MP in the new parliament previously voted for the dictatorial laws of January 16. (In English). Ukrainisches Krisenmedienzentrum. 10.11.2014. >>>

Zur Besprechung der Koalition noch zwei Parteien und freiwilligen Kämpfer gerufen. Den Verhandlungen über Bildung der Parlamentskoalition, die am Samstag den 8. November fortgesetzt wurden, schlossen sich die „Batjkiwschtschyna“-Partei sowie die „Radikale Partei von Oleh Ljaschko“ an. An der Sitzung, die in der Werchowna Rada fortgesetzt wird, nehmen auch Vertreter der Bataillone von Freiwilligen teil. Die Verhandlungsteilnehmer behaupten, es gebe keine Widersprüche in Bezug auf Punkte des Koalitionsabkommens. Die „Batjkiwschtschyna“-Partei schlägt dabei vor, das Koalitionsabkommen schon am 11. November zu unterzeichnen und am 21. November schon zur ersten Tagung der Werchowna Rada zu kommen. Das sei aber nur dann möglich, so die „Batjkiwschtschyna“, wenn die ZWK die offiziellen Wahlergebnisse bis zum Montag, den 10. November, erklären könnte. Ukrinform. 08.11.2014. >>>

Die Zentrale Wahlkommission erklärte die offiziellen Daten der Auszählung von Stimmen im gesamtstaatlichen Mehrmandatenwahlbezirk. Das hat ZWK-Vorsitzende Mychailo Ochendowski erklärt. Gewonnen im gesamtstaatlichen Mehrmandatenwahlbezirk hat die „Volksfront“ (22,14% – 64 Mandaten), als der zweite folgt der „Block von Petro Poroschenko“ (21,81% – 63 Mandaten), die „Selbsthilfe“ (10,97% – 32 Mandaten), der „Oppositionelle Block“ (9,43% – 27 Mandaten), die „Radikale Partei von Oleh Ljaschko“ (7,44% – 22 Mandaten) und „Batjkiwschtschyna“ (5,68% – 17 Mandaten). UNIAN. 10.11.2014. >>>

Das neue Parlament tritt am 1. Dezember an. Das ukrainische Parlament (Werchowna Rada) soll seine Arbeit in der neuen Zusammensetzung am 1. Dezember beginnen, verkündete am Donnerstag der Vizepremierminister der Ukraine, Wolodymyr Grojsman, beim Treffen mit den Geschäftsführern der internationalen und nationalen Unternehmen, Mitgliedern von European Business Association und der amerikanischen Handelskammer in der Ukraine. „Wir haben Zeit bis zur ersten Sitzung des Parlaments, sie findet am 1. Dezember statt. Bevor die Regierung gebildet wird, sollte jeder Minister seine Aufgabe kennen“, sagte Grojsman. Bis zu dieser Zeit sollte das Koalitionsabkommen fertig sein. Radio Swoboda. 07.11.2014. >>>

Situation in der ATO-Zone in der Ostukraine

Journalists find ‘solid’ Russian ties to missile that hit MH17. After analyzing a massive volume of data from open sources, a team of British investigative journalists has found “solid information” that the Buk missile system that downed Malaysian Airlines flight 17 in July came from Russia, and was sent back there after the disaster. They also traced the Buk’s military convoy back to its base in Russia. “If it is confirmed a Buk missile was used and the launch site is established by the official investigation as being Snizhne (in Donetsk Oblast), it seems clear the launcher came from Russia, and the government bears the responsibility for killing hundreds of innocent civilians on MH17,” says Eliot Higgins, who led the team of investigative journalists. (In English). Kyivpost. 09.11.2014. >>>

Terroristen haben ukrainische Gesprächspartner gefangengenommen – Verteidigungsministerium. Die Kämpfer haben eine ukrainische Gruppe von Verhandlungsteilnehmern gefangengenommen. Das hat der Berater des Verteidigungsministers der Ukraine zu Fragen der Austausches von Gefangenen, Wassyl Budyk, in der Live-Sendung des TV-Senders „112 Ukraina“ erklärt. „Im Bezirk von Nikischkino wurde unsere Gruppe von Offizieren gefangengenommen. Wir klären die Ursachen deren Festnahme auf. Das war die Gruppe von Verhandlugsteilnehmern der militärischen Rechtsordnungskräfte. Das ist leider nicht der erste Fall, wenn unsere Soldaten in Gefangenschaft genommen werden, ungeachtet davon, unter welcher Flagge sie dorthin fahren“, – kündigte Wassyl Budyk an. Ukrainska Prawda. 08.11.2014. >>>

Photos show tank in Donetsk came from Russia. As worries grew in Ukraine on Monday over further possible military intervention in the country by Russia, photographs emerged that appear to prove that Russia has been supplying heavy battle tanks to anti-government militants in Ukraine’s east. (In English). UNIAN. 10.11.2014. >>>

Russia continues to increase supply of heavy military equipment to the terrorists. Supply of large number of military equipment and of manpower from the Russian Federation to the districts controlled by militants doesn’t stop. Military equipment concentration of militants and of the Russian Federation along the delineation line remains the same. “On November 8th two convoys of equipment numbering approximately 50 curtain-sided Kamaz trucks were spotted on the move from the Russian Federation directed to Snizhne. Almost each was towing an artillery system. OSCE monitoring mission representatives once again observed convoys of military equipment on the territories controlled by the militants,” informed Colonel Andriy Lysenko spokesman of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine (NSDC). As per intelligence data new AK-74 assault rifles with laser sights were brought from the Russian Federation to Donetsk. There are also reports on sniper rifles to be supplied in the nearest time. Novoe vremia. 10.11.2014. >>>

30 Tsd. Terroristen kämpfen gegen die Ukraine. Gegen die ukrainische Armee im Donbass Raum kämpfen über 30 Tausend Terroristen, erklärte der Berater des Leiter des Sicherheitsdienstes der Ukraine (SBU), Markijan Lubkiwskyj. Ihm zufolge kämpfen in Donbass 5 Tsd. russische Soldaten und etwa 20 bis 25 Tsd. Rebellen der so genannten „Volksrepubliken von Donezk (DVR) und Luhansk (LVR)“. Ukrinform. 07.11.2014. >>>

OSCE reports two military convoys near Donetsk. Observers from the Special Monitoring Mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) say they sighted two military convoys of 17 trucks with heavy weapons near Donetsk, according to a report they made November 9. “The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission reported about 17 unmarked ZIL trucks, five of them carrying Grad multiple rocket launcher systems, with ammunition in the other two trucks,” the report reads. The other military column was spotted at 11:35 near the town of Zuhres, located 41 kilometers east of Donetsk. This convoy also consisted of 17 unmarked KamAZ trucks. According to observers, 12 of the vehicles were towing 122-millimeter howitzers. (In English). UNIAN. 10.11.2014. >>>

Tymchuk: Putin considering open aggression, strike groups in Donbas ready to attack. “The fact that the Russians are moving [equipment] to the border, including tactical missile systems, suggests that Putin is considering the option of open aggression against Ukraine , quite obviously, under the guise of ‘protecting the local population’ of the Donbas, who expressed their will in the elections in the Donetsk and Luhansk Peoples’ Republics,” Tymchuk said. “However, this scenario is clearly not the primary one, and these preparation are more likely a ‘safety net,’ which also puts pressure on Kyiv in order to prevent it starting active offensive operations against the terrorists.” He said the militants had completed the formation of tactical strike groups and were preparing for an attack on Ukrainian forces. He said militant forces had concentrated in the areas around Debaltseve and Mariupol in Donetsk region, and near the town of Shastya in Luhansk region. (In English). UNIAN. 07.11.2014. >>>

The possibility of massive provocations on the part of Russia (terrorist acts, shelling, armed assaults etc), followed by ATO forces being accused of them in order to establish preconditions and bring so-called “peacemaking troops” of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Donbas can not be excluded. Donetsk airport was attacked with fire four times using AA mounts, artillery, tanks, grenade guns and light weapons. Militants shelled Ukrainian dispositions in Donetsk, Debaltseve and Pervomaysk directions many times using artillery, mine throwers and light weapons. UNIAN. 09.11.2014. >>>

In Donbass Region sind fast 1700 Leuten vermisst – Sicherheitsdienst der Ukraine (SDU). Davon teilte der Leiter der Untersuchungsverwaltung von SDU Vasyl Vovk. Es ist unbekannt, wie viel Leuten in Gefangenschaft sind. Außerdem betonte er, daß fast 100 DNS-Expertisen für Identifizierung der in ATO-Zone Getöteten zurzeit durchgeführt wurden. Radio Swoboda. 09.11.2014. >>>

Fighting may cause humanitarian disaster in Luhansk region, says governor. A number of villages in Luhansk region have been left without water, heat and electricity due to ongoing fighting in the conflict zone, according to the press service of Lugansk Regional State Administration, with reference to Luhansk Governor Hennadiy Moskal. The militants are preventing maintenance crews from carrying out repairs to infrastructure damaged as a result of the hostilities, the press service said. As reported, on November 9, the militants carried out a number of artillery and mortar attacks on Ukrainian-controlled settlements in Luhansk region, namely the villages of Trekhizbenka, Kryakovka, Borovskoe, Toshkovka, Belaya Gora, Nizhnee, Krymskoe and a town of Zolotoe. (In English). UNIAN. 10.11.2014. >>>