
Antimonopoly Committee opens probe into abuse of monopoly status by DTEK group of companies and recommends National Commission for Energy and Communal Services Regulation to introduce transparent pricing – Antimonopoly Committee Head

Антимонопольний комітет України: перші результати роботи. УКМЦ, 18.09.2015


Kyiv, September 18, 2015. On September 17 Antimonopoly Committee adopted the decision to open robe into the abuse of monopoly status by DTEK group of companies, respective proceeding has been started on September 18, 2015, said Yuriy Terentiyev, Head of Ukraine’s Antimonopoly Committee (AMCU) at a press briefing at Ukraine Crisis Media Center.

National Commission for Energy and Communal Services Regulation (NCECSR) addressed the AMCU with a respective claim on opening the probe. “Our entire Committee has analyzed the circumstances to which the NCECSR refers and decided the ground is sufficient to open the probe into abuse of the monopoly status. AMCU’s envoy has adopted today the decision to open the case. We have opened the case to investigate the actual circumstances and clarify the situation,” noted the AMCU Head.

Terentiyev said that the AMCU will be able to give update on preliminary results of the case not earlier than in two months.

With another decision made on September 17, 2015 the AMCU approved recommendations to the NCECSR on removing the drawbacks in the mechanism for the wholesale market pricing on electricity. “NCECSR has to develop and approve the procedure to form the forecast wholesale market price taking into account the marginal coal price system and permanent expenses of the generators,” said the AMCU Head. NCECSR is obliged to respond to the AMCU within 10 days stating in what way the recommendations will be taken into consideration.

AMCU Head said that the AMCU that will make information on the two decisions public in the nearest time in the view of their public importance. The decisions in question are the probe into abuse of the monopoly status by DTEK group of companies and the recommendations the NCECSR to remove the drawback in setting tariffs.

Terentiyev reminded that the AMCU started a comprehensive energy market analysis in June this year, and has obtained 90% of the information required for the analysis. The research embraces all segments of the fuel and energy complex.