
Dmytro Yarosh, Leader of the ‘Right Sector’: We are Against Xenophobia and Antisemitism

Dmytro Yarosh. Ukraine Crisis Media Center March 8, 2014

Kyiv, 8th March 2014 – Speaking at the press briefing at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center, Dmytro Yarosh, leader of the ‘Right Sector’, said, ‘the situation in Crimea is not only a threat to Ukraine but also to Europe and the whole world. We have won our freedom, but now our main goal is to save our country’.

‘We express our support to the citizens of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the military men, their endurance and wisdom are worth admiration. I would like to underline that we hope for a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Crimea. Our main goal is to ensure proper governance of the country. Therefore, I urge politicians to quit playing games and create a government of national unity which would include a wide variety of political powers’, stressed Dmytro Yarosh.

‘The key demands to the government today are reporting on the results of investigation of Maidan killings, immediate beginning of systemic reforms and elimination of corruption. We stand for complete reboot of the government and the new quality of Ukrainian politics. I would like to stress that, on our part, the Right Sector always has and continues to support the signing of the EU Association Agreement, and we are grateful to the EU for their support. Our organization is against xenophobia and antisemitism, and the actions of the Right Sector are the best proof of that’, added Mr. Yarosh. Commenting on the language issue, Dmytro Yarosh said that Ukrainian should be the state language, adding though that even among the Right Sector members there are a lot of Russian speaking people.

The Right Sector leader went on to say that ‘the EU should be open not only to Ukraine but also to Russia. Russians are a European nation and they have the right to a decent future instead of being hostages to the imperial ambitions of the Russian government’.

Dmytro Yarosh is a Ukrainian public and political figure, leader of the Right Sector. In 1994, he was the founding member of the Stepan Bandera Trident Organization. He has been appointed as a Head of the Central Headquarters of the organization in 2007.