
The Ukrainians have won the European Court competition on Human Rights

The team from Kyiv-Mohyla Academy took first place in the law-competition in the European Court of Human Rights.

Kyiv Mohyla Academy team has just won the European Human Rights Moot Court Competition. Congratulations to the winners Oleg Dykiy, Sophia Kostomarova, Andrii Vlaiko, Maria Novikova and coach Olha Asadcha.

Also, the team has won the best memorandum for applicant award and Oleg Dykiy has become the best oralist of the final round.

Also, the Ukrainians were awarded in the nomination “Application from a plaintiff” and in addition, the team member Oleg Dykyy was the best speaker in the final of the competition.

According to the report on the Council of Europe website, the second place has been taken by the team from Bulgaria and the third – by the team from Britain.

The original post was taken from Kyiv Mohyla Facebook page.