
President of the Novoborivska community: Over the last year decentralization allowed us to do for the community more than over the past 20 years

Децентралізація та секторальні реформи. УКМЦ, 11.04.2017

Urban-type settlement Nova Borova in Zhytomyr region launched the education reform in 2010. Now the Novoborivska united community has real resources for its implementation. A basic school has been created on the basis of the lyceum and two other educational institutions. “We participate in the state program ‘School bus’, 70% of which is covered by the state budget, and 30% by the community. We won the competition and received UAH 517,000, which was used for purchasing classrooms of physics, biology and mathematics. The question is not about closing them. Instead, we want to create such conditions that children come to us to study,” informed Heorhii Rudiuk, President of the Novoborivska community, Zhytomyr region, during a briefing at Ukraine Crisis Media Center within the project “Community spokespersons.”

Children also remain a priority for the community, even when it comes to more global things. Last year, the community worked out its development strategy and involved children more actively. “We conducted the survey on what kind of their and other towns of the community children want to see. During the summer camps, each child wrote a work about the kind of the community they want. Their vision was the basis for the development strategy,” noted the head of the community.

Novoborivska community has the largest number of artificial lakes in Zhytomyr region. This is a wonderful place for recreational areas and, consequently, investment attraction. “We focused on education and insulation of premices of educational institutions, because if an investor wants to attract skilled workers, he needs that people have places where they can work and rest. Besides, educational institutions for their children are very importantly,” explained Mr. Rudiuk.

According to the community residents, among other priorities is life security. The strategy provided for the local municipal ward. “We expect that Parliament will adopt the corresponding law. Meanwhile, we have created a public group for protection of public order at the local fire department. It employs 20 people, who have the right to bear arms,” explained Mr. Rudiuk. Street lighting is also an element of security. “Over the past year we have not only increased the number of light points, but also have started to design and install lighting systems in other villages within the community. There was no street lighting at all in those villages. We also install surveillance cameras in public places,” informed Mr. Rudiuk.