
Start of the project “DE NE DE: South”

Старт проекту «ДЕ НЕ ДЕ: Південь. УКМЦ 27.06.2017


The program of cultural expeditions to the regions of Ukraine “DE NE DE”, supported by the International Renaissance Foundation, starts a new project devoted to the study of Bessarabia. It will be a two-stage project. The first stage is a study of the region, and the second – visits to five selected cities of Odessa region to present cultural projects. “We have devoted the last two years to the East of Ukraine. Having been there for quite some time, we realized that there is a certain vacuum in the information field concerning other regions, ” said Leonid Maruschak, curator of Ukraine Crisis Media Center art initiative. An interesting fact about Bessarabia is that it was the last to become part of the Ukrainian SSR. Its territory includes parts of the Republic of Moldova, Chernivtsi and Odesa regions.

According to Stanislav Lyachynskyi, Director of the International Renaissance Foundation program initiative, there is a need to unite the country through an exchange of ideas. “We are going to study the cultural field of those regions that are still at a certain periphery in Ukraine … Some other regions will also remain at the center of our attention. These are the so-called borderline and polyethnic regions – Transcarpathia, Bukovyna, South Odesa region and Kherson region,” stressed Mr. Lyachynskyi.

The primary tasks of “DE NE DE” are to discover public spaces, try to return their previous functions and attract attention to the preservation of monumental art objects, especially of the Soviet era. “If this was done in the times of the USSR …, then in fact these are remarkable works of art made by local, and not only, people,” noted artist Oleksandr Dolhyi. Another important area is developing a methodology for studying different places. “We have texts and we are working on them,” said Mr. Dolhyi.

These projects are interesting because first we are studying the city or region. “We have the opportunity to be in a local context and understand it … We go to a place where we do not know anyone … to the market or local night clubs,” noted Leonid Marushchak. The project aims to identify interesting and topical themes for their further research and development as well as for the search of partners to implement our joint cultural projects.

Olha Honchar, communications coordinator of Ukraine Crisis Media Center art initiative, noted via Skype that it is important to communicate the projects through all channels – social media, mass media, personal channels, etc. “Although something positive happens in the region, the central media do not cover it. Even if we invite journalists to our events, their editors do not allow them to go and cover culture. However, it does not stop us,” said Ms. Honchar. The positive coverage of the region in the national media is equally important for creating favorable conditions for development and cooperation.

Stanislav Lyachynskyi, Director of the of the International Renaissance Foundation program initiative, noted that on July 14 a strategic session for Bessarabia will take place in Izmail. “This is an opportunity to get an overview of problems and to meet people who are not indifferent to this region,” stressed Mr. Lyachynskyi.

The organizers of the project “DE NE DE: South” hope to discover another extraordinary part of Ukraine – Bessarabia.

The hashtags of project news on social media: #cultural diplomacy, #Renaissance Foundation, #southern, #south #DE NE DE, #lyubytaznajsvijridnyjkraj and on Facebook pages:

Cultural diplomacy between regions of Ukraine;

Art initiative DE NE DE