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Art for freedom: unseen Ukrainian civilians held hostage by Russia
Thousands of abducted Ukrainians ended up behind bars in Russian prisons on trumped-up charges. No one can name the exact number of illegally detained and convicted civilians, but human rights defenders say about tens of thousands of people. There are no legal mechanisms for their release. Violating all norms of international law, the Russians detain Ukrainians in the temporarily occupied territories, throw them behind bars, subject them to torture, brought them to trial and even kill them. Relatives know almost nothing about their fate because the Russian authorities do not allow them to communicate.
The Common Sense Communications and PR Army NGOs initiated the Art for Freedom: Unseen Civilians project to draw attention to the situation of illegally detained Ukrainian civilians. The fates of these people will be reflected in graphic works at exhibitions in Ukraine, Germany, Portugal and France. It is necessary to tell the stories of ordinary people whose lives were destroyed by the Russian occupiers, as well as to mobilize international pressure on Russia to release the prisoners.
The art curator of the project is Oleh Hryshchenko, an artist, illustrator, co-founder and co-curator of the Pictoric illustrators club.
Media accreditation: Bohdan Pavlenko, communications manager of PR Army, phone: +380 99 925 54 95, e-mail: [email protected]