Topic: “Presentation of the project “Theatre – the Dialogue of Cultures: cooperation with countries of Eastern Europe” Date: 07.12.2018 Time: 13:00
Topic: “Has the reform of local self-governance resulted in better management of territories and how it has changed the everyday life of the communities”. UCMC-DOBRE Project “Communities spokespersons” Date: 07.12.2018 Time: 12:00
Topic: ”What is the price of the state for Ukrainians? All-Ukrainian campaign about taxes” Date: 05.12.2018 Time: 15:00
Round Table: “Sanctions against Russia: how to preserve the European unity?” Date: 05.12.2018 Time: 11:00
Topic: ”Policy debates: ”Involving citizens in the development and decision-making process for the local self-governance” Date: 05.12.2018 Time: 10:00
Round table: «Responsibility for wearing a military uniform, state awards and for abuse over the burial place of defenders of Ukraine» Date: 04.12.2018 Time: 14:15
Topic: «How is it to be a woman in Ukraine?» Presentation of the board game on stereotypes about the role of women in Ukrainian society» Date: 03.12.2018 Time: 11:00
Round Table: ”Elections Cybersecurity Threats: How Vulnerable Is Ukraine?” Date: 30.11.2018 Time: 16:00
Topic: ”Critical Thinking and Media Hygiene within the Education Project for the Ukrainian-Hungarian Schools of Transcarpathia” Date: 30.11.2018 Time: 13:00