Viktor Sasin, director of the Department for Strategic Development of the Road Market and Road Transport of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
Vladyslav Prytomanov, acting director Head of the Transport sector, BRDO
Volodymyr Tarnay, head of the Budget Policy Department of the Center «Eidos»
Vadym Oliynyk, expert of Sectoral Decentralization Project Office (via Skype)
Roman Kokotailo, acting Director of the Department of Roads, Transport and Communications of the Lviv Regional State Administration (via Skype)
Volodymyr Dudchenko, Head of Infrastructure Department of Sumy Regional State Administration (via Skype)
Svitlana Pasichnyk, Deputy Head of the Regional Development and Construction Department of the Khmelnytsk Regional State Administration (via Skype)
Serhiy Matus, Director of the State Enterprise «Local Road Service» (Khmelnytsk region) (via Skype)
Moderator: Roman Vybranovsky, head of the Reform Communication Taskforce of the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center
Topic: «To each their own road: the results of the first year of the Road Fund work»
Press center UCMC announce