Topic: «How does the government overcome corruption? Presentation of the Government-Public Initiative report «Together Against Corruption» Date: 14.11.2018 Time: 13:00
Topic: «Announcement of the results of the grant competition aimed at development of institutional capacity of the regional development agencies» Date: 14.11.2018 Time: 12:30
Topic: “From the World Diabetes Day – to the Year of Active Interventions and Changes” Date: 12.11.2018 Time: 12:00
Topic: “Judge for the exam: what should the public do to prevent sabotage of elections to the anti-corruption court” Date: 12.11.2018 Time: 10:30
Ceremonial signature of EU Support Programme to eastern Ukraine with UNDP Date: 09.11.2018 Time: 15:15
Press point: Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations and Artem Sytnyk Head of the National Anti-Сorruption Bureau of Ukraine Date: 09.11.2018 Time: 15:00
Topic: “The start of a national educational project for rural physicians “The School of Family Doctor” Date: 09.11.2018 Time: 11:00
Expert discussion “Green line, blue line: how efficient are the new regulations on construction?” Date: 07.11.2018 Time: 12:00
Topic: “About local regional development as a cornerstone of strong state and countering corruption factors in communities”. UCMC-DOBRE project “Communities spokespersons” Date: 07.11.2018 Time: 11:00