Iryna Palamar, Head of the Ukrainian Stockbreeders Association
Taras Vysotskyi, Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture on agricultural policy
Ivan Chaikivskyi, MP (MPs group “Za Maibutne”), member of Parliamentary Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy
Oleg Tarasov, MP (“Sluga Narodu” faction), Head of Sub-Committee on Enhancement of State Governance in Agribusiness
Marian Zablotskyi, MP (“Sluga Narodu” faction), Head of Sub-Committee on Local Taxes
Mykola Liushniak, MP (independent), member of Parliamentary Committee on Budget
Oleksandr Moroz, Head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 1994—1998, 2006—2007
Vasyl Tsushko, Head of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine in 2010—2014
Roundtable: “Discussion and criticism of land reform in Ukraine”
Press center UCMC announce