End of “Friendship”?: Russian Disinformation Digest

Written by Anton Khimiak, UCMC/HWAG analyst

Propaganda Digest: This is part of a series of our analysis that exposes the most exaggerated, misleading, and outrageous rhetoric from recent Russian media sources, aimed at promoting critical thinking to better debunk the manipulation of Russian propaganda.

Russian influence in European countries is deservedly primarily associated with Kremlin money or, precisely, with Russian energy carriers. At the end of June 2024, Ukraine stopped the supply of Russian oil through the southern branch of the Druzhba oil pipeline, which goes to Hungary and Slovakia. The reason for this was the inclusion of the Russian company Lukoil, which is closely affiliated with the Putin regime, on the Ukrainian sanctions list. The stoppage of this oil pipeline shook the Russian media and made Moscow sympathizers in Slovakia and Hungary nervous. Let’s see how Russian propaganda used this event for its nefarious purposes.

Genocidal rhetoric

Elder Edda, anonymous pro-Russian Telegram channel (602, 181 subscribers):

Ukraine receives electricity from Hungary, but has blocked supplies of Russian oil to it; this is a hostile decision, Foreign Minister Szijjarto said. Be a man, turn off the switch for “khokhol” [russian derogative for ukrainian – ed.]. And we’ll add more .

Yuliya Vityazeva, Russian TV-propagandist (69, 970 subscribers):

In this case, the problem is Ukraine. And it’s really time to solve it. Moreover, according to the principle “no Ukraine – no problem.

Yuriy Podolyaka, Russian propagandist (2, 874, 330 subscribers):

About logic and its absence… Ukraine, or rather, the anti-people regime in Kyiv, recently blocked the oil pipeline from Russia to Hungary. Meanwhile, this territory itself, suffering from a total shortage of electricity, imports it from the same Hungary. What her Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó reminded her of today. If I were Hungary, I would cut off these supplies to Kyiv. It would be logical.


Russian media  Kyiv closes the Druzhba oil pipeline and jeopardizes the energy security of Hungary and Slovakia. There is only one way out – they need to contribute in every possible way to the success of Russia in the Special Military Operation.

Verified: All these messages of Russian propagandists are aimed at shifting the blame for the situation from Russia to Ukraine. Russian strikes on energy infrastructure have been recognized by international human rights organizations, such as Human Rights Watch, as containing signs of genocide against the Ukrainian people. Messages containing calls to cut off the supply of electricity to Ukraine are aimed at intimidation and terror of the civilian population. At the same time, the Russians are not ashamed to declare that they are ready to continue their barbaric attacks.

Systematic delays in financial and military aid to Ukraine, initiated by pro-Russian politicians in some European countries, play into the hands of the Kremlin and lead to a strengthening of its positions on the front line. In the future, as we can see, this could lead to new Russian war crimes because, for Moscow, there are no moral restrictions on how they wage war.

Diplomatic perspective

Stanislav Mitrahovich Russian expert:

Ukraine is trying to remind the EU of its importance in the field of oil exports, first of all, to the European Union, so that the EU will give it new weapons and money. Plus, remind the EU that the gas transit contract will soon expire – December 31, 2024.

Legitimniy, anonymous pro-Russian Telegram channel (1, 034, 537 subscribers):

Imagine if they (Slovakia and Hungary) stop supplies to Ukraine in response, how this will raise our prices at the time of the energy crisis, and even more so at the time of aggravation at the front and the onset of cold weather. According to our data, the OP (Ermak) did this at the request of the British lobby, which makes money from the oil and gas industry.

Two Mayors, pro-Russian Telegram channel (736, 323 subscribers):

Kyiv is apparently taking revenge for Viktor Orban’s tour. The Americans did not give them orders to make peace.

Resident, anonymous pro-Russian Telegram channel  (1, 007, 634 subscribers):

Our source in the Office of the President of Ukraine said that the Office specifically covered up oil supplies to Hungary in order to make Orban more accommodating and hit his rating. Bankova is well aware that a fuel shortage will lead to protests and force Orban to ask Zelensky to resolve the issue.

Verified: The same narrative about the lack of subjectivity always characterizes Russian propaganda on the topic of diplomacy about Ukraine. We meet this in this case as well. Kremlin talking heads, as one, say that the situation with the oil pipeline was a consequence of the foreign policy of any country, but not Ukraine. Such formation of opinions discredits the Ukrainian authorities in the eyes of consumers of this propaganda and is aimed at creating a negative image.

Also, here we notice another aspect. Russian narratives characterize any decision of the Ukrainian authorities, even if it fully corresponds to the sovereign interests of Kyiv, as a disaster. In this case, we mostly see energy and financial security for Ukraine, which is very dependent on partner countries. However, here again, the role of Russian barbaric aggression against Ukraine, as the fundamental problem that forces the Ukrainian authorities to resort to such decisions, is silenced.