
Under the protection of Saint Nicholas

Neighbors stood and prayed for their friends to be alive - a story from Mykolayiv / Ukraine

Before the war, Mykolayiv was called the city on a wave. Now, due to constant shelling, the townspeople add: the city on a blast wave. Almost every day, rockets fly from the neighboring occupied territory, destroying residential buildings, schools, universities, hotels, and infrastructure facilities.

Those who left are waiting for the day when they can return. They are sure that Mykolayiv will not surrender to the enemy. And it’s not just about strong defense. Many believe that St. Nicholas, after whom the city was named, will not allow this to be done. 

Yulia Akimova, Mykolayiv-Kyiv


Video is prepared within the project “Countering Disinformation in Southern and Eastern Ukraine” funded by the European Union