
Russians rape children in Kherson region

© Crello

Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova: russia uses rape and sexual violence in other forms as tactics of warfare, systematically, everywhere and with striking brutality.

During the last 24 hours, the Commissioner’s psychological helpline was contacted by persons from Oleksandrivka, Kherson Oblast, who gave permission to publish information on the facts of sexual violence.

  • Two girls aged 12 and 15 were raped by russian.
  • A 6-month-old girl was raped by a russian with a teaspoon.
  • Two two-year-old twin boys and their mother were at home. Five russian broke in, one held the mother, the other two raped the children orally and anal. The children died from ruptures and blood loss.
  • A three-year-old boy was raped in front of his mother by two russian, and the child died of his injuries.

Sexual violence is strictly prohibited by Article 27 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 1949.

Rape as a war crime is the most serious crime and one of the components of genocide.