
What the Russians need from Africa and how to reduce their political interference on the continent

Russian Invasion of Africa and propaganda: impact on democracy and security threats

The Ukraine Crisis Media Center continued the cycle of discussions devoted to Russian hybrid influence in various regions of the world. A feature of these meetings is the direct participation of representatives of these countries in discussions. Such involvement of guests became possible thanks to the Unfold Ukraine to Global South project implemented by UCMC in cooperation and coordination with the Open Society Foundation and funded by the International Renaissance Foundation. This time, an expert discussion on “Russia’s expansion in Africa: hybrid methods and strategic goals of the Kremlin” was attended by the participants of the press tour to Ukraine, namely Saikou Jammeh, Gambia (Journalists for Justice (JFJ)), Ougo Jackson Biko, Kenya (Nation/, Orrin Singh, South Africa (Eyewitness News), Ibekwe Nicholas Leonard, Nigeria (Premium Times of Nigeria).

At the beginning of the discussion, Volodymyr Solovyan, Doctor of Philosophy, outlined Russia’s main priorities for expansion in Africa identified by the UCMC Hybrid Warfare Analytical Group, which he heads. 

“Russia moves away from the West as a traditional region of influence and provides aid to anti-Western movements in Africa. We should focus on countries like Mali and Burkina Faso, to which Russia is trying to supply weapons and to send its private military companies, and thus to displace French influence in these regions. Another point is the creation of a picture of the so-called global majority. Moscow is trying to involve African countries in presenting Russian initiatives as those of the Global South. Russia  involves these countries in cooperation with BRICS and other structures used by Russia to loosen sanctions and support its economy,” the expert noted.

In addition, the Russian Federation is trying to involve African countries in its so-called peace initiatives. It seeks to use them to legitimize its terms, to end the war on its own terms. 

Mykhailo Samus, Director of the New Geopolitics Research Network, told about the goals Russia pursues in the military sphere.

“If you want to ask something about the Russian influence and the Russian military, ask the Ukrainians, because we have lived with the Russians for a huge number of years, and we know practically everything about them,” he said, addressing the press tour participants. 

Touching on the subject of private military companies, Mykhailo Samus noted that they are prohibited by Russian legislation. However, they are all tied to the FSB or military intelligence, and therefore are always government entities.

Next, the Director of the New Geopolitics Research Network explained the Ukrainian view of Russia’s military aggression.

“Until now, the Biden administration has been actively helping us, but, unfortunately, they do not have a strategy on how to achieve Ukraine’s victory. From our point of view, everything here is simple: territorial inviolability, integrity, sovereignty, our borders of 1991. Besides, Russia should remove all its crap from our territory, compensate for all damages caused to our state, and war criminals must be brought to justice. As you can see, our position is very clear. This is how we must stop the war. Unfortunately, the Russians have the opposite position. Putin issues an ultimatum that Ukraine should say “No” to NATO and distance itself from the European Union. But it is our intention to become part of NATO and the European Union. They think that Ukraine should give up its territories that the Russians want to control, and Crimea in the first place. And of course the influence on the internal situation in Ukraine, language policy. In Moscow, they want us to build our lives according to some Soviet patterns, and this is unacceptable for the Ukrainian side,” Mykhailo Samus emphasized.

Marta Oliynyk-Dyomochko, Candidate of Political Sciences, Africanist researcher, Global Ukraine Foundation, characterized the main techniques of the Russian Federation’s intervention in political processes in African countries and formulated proposals for reducing this influence.

“I see three main ways to prevent this. The first is international. This is cooperation directly within the framework of the African Union and other organizations to ensure cyber security, transparency of elections, and the work of special monitoring missions. The second point is work with the population of African countries regarding media literacy, development of critical thinking in the perception of information. And there is even room for cooperation with Ukrainian public organizations that are also engaged in this issue. And the third is to help the media in journalistic investigations and exposing the truth. Of course, there are African countries where it is extremely difficult for journalists to expose the truth. There may also be some networking, some cooperation, exchange of experience, joint investigations to shed light and convey to citizens the truth about what Russia is doing, what its real interests are, and what it really wants to achieve in African countries,” the expert suggested.