The Kremlin’s Shady Horses: Dogu Perincek, Claims Occupied Territory of Ukraine Belong to Russia

Friendship with the odious Russian neo-fascist ideologue Alexandr Dugin, propaganda of the Russian version of Eurasianism, radical anti-Americanism and support for the Russian annexation of Ukrainian territories. Dogu Perincek is a right-wing radical Turkish politician, leader of the Vatan party, a Shady Horse in Russian propaganda.

Perinchek entered Turkish politics in the 1970s. In those days, he distinguished himself by promoting Maoist ideas. However, later the politician and his supporters began to profess the orthodox views of Kemalism. Perinchek established himself in the niche of radical nationalism and secularism.

In 2008, Perinchek was arrested on suspicion of organizing the Ergenekon criminal organization, to which he recruited radical officers and civilian specialists. The group was allegedly preparing a coup against Erdogan’s ruling party (JDP). In 2013, the criminal court of Istanbul sentenced him to life imprisonment, but several months later, all the figures  involved in the “Ergenekon” case were declared unjustly convicted and Perinchek was released.

The conflict between Erdogan and the Gülenists, which culminated in a failed coup attempt in 2016, moved Perincek from the opposition to the camp of government supporters. These years coincided with the intensification of cooperation between the Vatan party (led by Perincek since 2015) and the odious Russian neo-fascist ideologue Dugin. It is significant that Perincek claimed that it was Dugin who gave Erdoğan’s advisers information about the conspiracy on the eve of military coup.

It is also worth noting that the son of a politician, Mehmet Perincek (historian, graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations) works in Russia in the field of propaganda. Last year, at the invitation of the Russian Ministry of Defense, he visited the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and made a series of anti-Ukrainian statements, while proclaiming support of the Kremlin’s official version of the causes of the war.

 Dogu Perincek and Alexandr Dugin

Who is this Shady Horse?

 Turkish politician

 Where are they from?  


 Political affiliation? 

 Chairman of the left-wing nationalist Patriotic Party (Vatan Partisi).

What have they been saying?

“Under our rule, Turkey will definitely leave NATO, because NATO is the only threat to Turkey”

The US is acting destructively in some regions. Moscow and Ankara are taking measures to reduce Washington’s Influence.

“Crimea is the territory of the Russian Federation. The DPR and LPR, as well as the Zaporozhia and Kherson regions, are also part of the Russian Federation. These facts must be recognized officially and openly” 

“We can achieve recognition of Abkhazia. And also recognize the Republic of Crimea and Donbass in the Russian Federation. This is for the benefit of all Eurasian countries and humanity”

Mehmet Perincek (The Son of Dogu Perincek)

“I can confidently say: in case Russia had not started a special operation in Ukraine – a more serious armed conflict would have occurred, the destruction and casualties among the civilian population of Ukrainian cities would have been many times greater.

Kyiv wanted to use these areas as a bridgehead against Russia. In this case, not only Ukrainian, but also many Russian cities located near the border with Ukraine would suffer. They would turn into ruins.