
Ukraine in Flames: Russia is at war with Ukrainian women and children?

Ukraine in Flames #11. Russia is at war with Ukrainian women and children?

For almost a month, Russia has been shelling civilians and destroying Ukrainian cities from the air. The war is taking away the peace of Ukrainian children, their parents’ roof over their heads, and their neighbors’ lives. Fleeing from danger, the most vulnerable segments of the population must live in a new place without knowing how long Russia’s aggression will last and how much their resources will be enough. Such categories of people are mostly women with children. Even if they move to a safe place, they face the problem of lack of money, lack of habitual life, which is so necessary for small or sick children, inability to work and they should rely only on the help of volunteers and not indifferent people.

In this topic, we discuss: :

  • Where do mothers with children flee to?
  • What do they need most in a war?
  • How do they and their kids experience the consequences of Russian aggression?

UKRAINE IN FLAMES project is created by Ukraine Crisis Media Center, Ukrainian Catholic UKRAINE IN FLAMES project is created by Ukraine Crisis Media CenterUkrainian Catholic University’s analitical center and NGO “Euroatlantic Course”.  We are aiming at searching a loud support for Ukraine in the war started by Russia on the 24th of February 2022.

If you want to support Ukraine against Russian aggression, check the link with recommendations by Ukraine Crisis Media Center –

NGO Euroatlantic Course collects donations to support Ukrainian Army and civilians –