The Ukrainian Government is already hands-on with a comprehensive Recovery Plan for Ukraine. The first meetings of the working groups have been set up at the National Council for Reconstruction of Ukraine started on May 5. The main goal is not just the restoration of damaged and destroyed facilities, but the radical transformation of the state into a new European country on the basis of a green economy.
The executive branch expects to replenish the fund with assistance from partner countries, international financial organizations, international humanitarian organizations and charitable foundations; frozen, confiscated assets of the Russian Federation; contributions of large international corporations; contributions of individuals. One of the elements of the fund will be the fundraising online platform United24.
Ukraine has the EU on board with any ambitious restoration plan for its future member state.The EC President Ursula von der Leyen said that the EU and international institutions should support all stages of Ukraine’s postwar reconstruction to ensure its sustainable development, reforms and future membership in the EU. She stressed on the two steps crucial in the strategy – immediate macro-financial assistance and extensive reconstruction of Ukraine’s infrastructure.
In this issue of Ukraine in Flames, experts will consider ways to rebuild Ukraine after the war with Russia and what needs to be done today to make this process as effective as possible.
UKRAINE IN FLAMES project is created by Ukraine Crisis Media Center, Ukrainian Catholic University’s analitical center and NGO “Euroatlantic Course”. We are aiming at searching a loud support for Ukraine in the war started by Russia on the 24th of February 2022.
If you want to support Ukraine against Russian aggression, check the link with recommendations by Ukraine Crisis Media Center –
NGO Euroatlantic Course collects donations to support Ukrainian Army and civilians –