How Russian Propaganda Attacks Ukraine’s European Integration: Poland and the Czech Republic

On 21 June 2024, the European Union agreed to start membership negotiations with Ukraine. At the same time, in a number of EU countries, the voices of opponents of EU expansion, in particular due to the accession of Ukraine, are frequently heard. Russia uses these sentiments to exert destabilizing influence over European countries and meddle in EU states’ internal affairs. 

Russia’s particular interest is in undermining trust between Ukraine and neighbouring countries in the EU. In this way, Moscow seeks to undermine arms deliveries and hinder Ukrainian exports.  

Therefore, Ukraine Crisis Media Center would like to bring to your attention an analytical note “Undermining Ukrainian European Integration: Discrediting Attempts in the Information Space of Poland and the Czech Republic” in the framework of the project “Paving Ukraine’s Path to the EU: Informational Dimension“. 

The note focuses on the vulnerability of the information spaces of Poland and the Czech Republic in the context of the topic of Ukrainian European integration. Within the framework of the note such issues were analyzed: 

  • Anti-Ukrainian Narratives in the Polish and Czechia’s informational space since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war 
  • Attempts by pro-russian forces to discredit the idea of Ukraine’s European integration
  • Challenges countering Russian propaganda and disinformation in Poland and the Czech Republic
  • Attempts of the Kremlin propaganda to  discredit Ukrainian refugees in Poland and the Czech Republic

The following experts and consultants contributed to the report’s creation: 

Maciej Makulski, Contributing editor with the New Eastern Europe magazine (Poland), Lenka  Struzinska, independent researcher (the Czech Republic), Volodymyr Solovian, PhD, Head of Hybrid Warfare Analytical Group at Ukraine Crisis Media Center, Tetyana Kolosova Head of UCMC Press Center (Ukraine)

On June 27, 2024 a public online expert discussion “Ukrainian European integration in the focus of Russian propaganda: analysis of the information space of the Czech Republic and Poland” took place.

The event is part of Ukraine Crisis Media Center’s “Paving Ukraine’s Path to the EU: Informational Dimension” project.

Expert Speakers: Maciej Makulski, Contributing editor with the New Eastern Europe magazine (Poland), Lenka Struzinska, independent researcher (the Czech Republic), Pavel Havlíček, Research Fellow at the Association for International Affairs (the Czech Republic), Frantisek Kalenda, Editor-in-chief at Bourdon publishing house. Independent journalist & researcher (the Czech Republic), Julian Dobrowolski, INFO OPS Poland Foundation (Poland), Anton Khimiak, Anastasiia Ratieieva, analysts at the Hybrid Warfare Analytical Group at Ukraine Crisis Media Center

The analytical note “Ukrainian European integration in the focus of Russian propaganda: analysis of the information space of the Czech Republic and Poland“ was presented during the event. The analytical note and the event were compiled with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework «European Renaissance of Ukraine» project. Its content is the exclusive responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation.