How cheese influenced the world and how it is made in the Hlybotska community in Bukovyna (Chernivtsi Oblast)

Have you ever seen how real cheese is made?

If you haven’t, we will show you!

But first, a little bit of history. Cheese has had its place at every stage of civilization. It was left in very ancient Egyptian and Chinese tombs, and it was adored in ancient Rome. At the end of the 19th century, cheese-making became industrialized, and a breakthrough in milk pasteurization changed the process entirely to the point where there are now more than 2,000 varieties of cheese worldwide.

Cheese is also made in Ukraine’s communities. After decentralization and the unification of the Hlybotska community, the residents of Mykhailivka began to think about developing the economic potential of their village, which was in decline. History was a clue — the community has always had cattle breeding and milk processing companies. Now, the cheese cooperative produces a ton of products every month! 12 different varieties of hard and semi-hard cheeses, butter, yogurt, cream, and its specialty — smoked budz.

To see how the community succeeded, watch the video.

Write your favorite type of cheese in the comments!

Perhaps you can also find it in the Hlybotska community cheese factory.

The video was created in partnership with and commissioned by Ukraine Crisis Media Center within the USAID DOBRE Program. The series of videos describes how communities can earn money and make the most of all opportunities.