War crimes of the Russian Federation: the occupiers fired on residential areas of Kharkiv, there are dead


From March 3 to 4, the Russian occupiers fired again at peaceful neighborhoods in Kharkiv and rural areas of the region, resulting in many destructions and fires. The largest residential area of ​​the city – the residential district “Northern Saltivka” got the most. This area was shelled with barrel and jet artillery.

This was reported in the Head Department of the SES of Ukraine in Kharkiv region.

In total, about 40 apartment buildings were on fire. Rescuers rescued 10 of their residents and evacuated another 25. Unfortunately, the bodies of 5 people were found.

Data on the dead and injured are being clarified.

In total, 7 apartments with an area of ​​over 300 sq.m. were on fire.

The occupiers destroyed the civil airfield in the village of Novyi Korotych of the Pisochyn community, where located the aeroclub named after Grizodubova.

Pyrotechnic units of the SES also continued to work, disposing of unexploded ordnance of artillery.

As of the morning of March 4 since the beginning of the invasion, the Russian occupiers have killed 39 civilians in the Kharkiv region, injuring 272, including 10 children.