On August 24 Ukraine marks the Independence Day. UCMC chose 26 figures that best demonstrate the changes that have occurred in the country since it became independent in 1991.
- Ukrainian language becomes fashionable – 60 per cent of Ukrainians consider it their native language.
- According to UNESCO, Ukraine is one of the 10 countries with the highest level of literacy.
- The number of Ukrainians who go to study abroad and then turn back home to apply their knowledge is growing. Over 46 thousand Ukrainians study abroad.
- Ukrainian mathematician Maryna Viazovska was awarded the Salem Prize 2016 for an internationally important discovery – the one that fellow mathematicians have been trying to resolve for centuries.
- Ukrainians appreciate arts and cultural heritage – the number of museums increased from 214 to 576 within the independence times.
- Ukrainians started buying more domestically-published books. The number of printed publications has grown from 7046 to 21330 in the 26 years.
- In the ranking Doing Business Ukraine has reached the top position among the ex-Soviet Bloc countries.
- Ukrainians live longer – in 1991 the average life expectancy constituted 69 years, today it’s 71.
- The population number has decreased by almost 9 million within the independence times.
- In the first month alone after the visa free regime with the EU came in force in June 2017 over 95 thousand Ukrainians crossed the border of the EU member states without the need for a visa.
- Exports of Ukraine-produced goods and services increased 2,4 times in the past 26 years.
- Ukraine is one of the top-5 countries that demonstrated the most dynamic growth of indicators assessed by the World Nation Brands 2016. Ukraine added 27% and its brand value increased from 44 billion dollars to 56 billion dollars.
- Ukraine takes the 5th position in the ranking that measures the dynamics of electro cars expansion.
- Ukraine counts two victories at the Eurovision Song Contest and has respectively hosted the competition twice.
- Elina Svitolina becomes 4th world’s best tennis racket according to the WTA ranking.
- During the summer Deaflympics 2017 the Ukrainian national team became second best among the teams from 90 countries. Ukrainian athletes won 99 medals including 21 gold, 42 silver and 36 bronze.
- Ukraine’s cargo Antonov Airlines transports 35 per cent of all oversize and superheavy cargoes in the world.
- Online platform for sales of state-owned assets ProZorro.Sale brought 2 billion hryvnia of revenue to Ukraine’s state budget.
- Language quotas on television – 75 per cent of the content broadcast should be in Ukrainian.
- Ukraine gets 18 positions up in the international open data ranking Open Data Barometer in 2016.
- In 2017 Ukraine and NATO mark 20 years of distinctive partnership.
- Ukrainians’ actual income increased by 20 per cent in May 2017 according to the National Statistic Service.
- At the International Defence Exhibition in Abu Dhabi Ukrainian unmanned APC Phantom becomes one of the top-5 best pieces on show.
- Ukraine joined two free trade areas – that with the EU and with Canada.
- Ukraine’s National Paralympic team came first in cross-country skiing and biathlon at the World Cup in Japan. Ukrainian athletes won a total of 33 medals including 11 gold, nine silver and 13 bronze ones.
- Crimea has been occupied for over three years now.