
Ministry of Justice claims 1.5 month is enough for NGOs to introduce amendments to their charters

Внесення змін до статутів громадських організацій, дедлайн вже близько. УКМЦ, 22.11.2016


With the new tax legislation in place, the NGOs need to introduce respective amendments to their charters till the end of 2016, otherwise they will have to pay taxes.

“A month and a half will suffice to submit documents on introducing amendments to the charters of NGOs,” noted Pavlo Moroz, Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine on registration issues at a briefing held at Ukraine Crisis Media Center. From January 1, 2017, the non-government organizations (NGOs) that will not bring their statutes into correspondence with the tax legislation will be obliged to pay taxes. Thus, they will lose their status of non-profit organizations. The official website of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine provides full information about the documents required, addresses and telephone numbers of front offices, as well as electronic queue management system. Besides, the Ministry of Justice has developed methodical recommendations that are also available on the website. “It is the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine that should ensure unhindered process of amending the statutes of public organizations,” stated Pavlo Moroz.
On November 18, the conference call on the need to disseminate information on amendments in the charters of the NGO in the media was held with representatives of the main regional departments of Justice. According to Pavlo Moroz, working meetings are held with representatives of the centers for administrative services and legal aid bureaus, because currently these institutions serve as the front offices. “We have extended the visiting hours for citizens who apply for registration of amendments to the statutory documents,” informed

the Deputy Minister of Justice. Besides, other employees are motivated to improve the quality and speed of services.
“Now, 550 legal aid bureaus and 700 centers for administrative services are acting as front offices. If we also add all the main departments to of justice to them, the number of front offices where the organizations can apply to, will reach 2 thousand. This number is almost three times larger than before the reform,” specified Pavlo Moroz.