
“I will follow the sun” – a film about the heroic deeds of the 90th Paratroop Battalion

Презентація-показ документального фільму про 90-й десантний батальон. УКМЦ, 28.11.2016


The film showing life on the frontline for one battalion, their emotions, losses and gains, will be aired on Ukrainian TV on December 6.

The documentary “I will follow the sun” is dedicated to the 90th Paratroop Battalion named after a Hero of Ukraine Ivan Zubkov. A meeting dedicated to the soldiers and a film show will be held at the Ukrainian House on December 4. Over the period of military operations, the 90th Battalion was in Donetsk airport, Opytne, Zaitseve and other “hot spots”. “My colleagues filmed and interviewed soldiers from the battalion under fire in Avdiivka and Kostyantynivka. This emotion is the most important thing to remember,” said Oleksiy Goncharuk, film director and script writer, at a press briefing held at Ukraine Crisis Media Center.

The film was ready in September but the premier was postponed for the event to unite the maximum number of people who were involved, on the eve of International Volunteer Day on December 5 and the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on December 6.

The idea of the film belongs to volunteer Yuriy Makoviy, head of NGO “Z Krayinoyu V Sertsi”. “The war continues, and the defenders of Ukraine need support. From autumn 2014 to May 2016, the battalion lost 45 soldiers. They do not lose contact with the families of the fallen heroes. Soldiers on the front line risk their lives every day and they still need support, not only financial but also moral,” said Yuriy Makoviy.

Sound-track for the film was written by Tigran Grigoryan and performed by singer Anastasiya Prykhodko. “History lives on in films like this. We cannot cut it out. This is our history, sad, unfortunately, but it’s still there. […] This song is really special for me because I understand what I sing about,” said Anastasiya Prykhodko.

On December 6, the film “I will follow the sun” will be aired on “Channel 5”. The authors are still in negotiations with regional channels and partners abroad.