
Ministry of Justice: There will be private judicial decision enforcement agents in Ukraine

Приватні виконавці судових рішень: чого від них чекати. УКМЦ, 19.01.2017


Soon there will be private judicial decision enforcement agents in addition to the state enforcement service in Ukraine.

Citizens of Ukraine aged twenty five and above, who have higher legal education, 2 years’ experience or have completed an appropriate internship, training and passed the qualifying examination. “When we removed the criminal schemes implemented at the level of state registrars, crimes passed into the judiciary. […] Since raiding as a phenomenon has passed into courts, it is very important that those who will execute judgments of court be fair and transparent and correspond to the level of the courts we expect to be created in the country,” stated Pavlo Moroz, Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine for state registration, during a briefing at Ukraine Crisis Media Center.

Now an enrollment in the groups for training is taking place at the Ministry of Justice. It will last 23 days. Upon receipt of a certificate for pursuit of private enforcement agent activities, they will be trained in working with electronic register and receive personal access keys. “The examination will last 4.5 hours. It will consist of three blocks of assignments: automated testing […], five situational tasks and a practical task in which the contestants have to make the right procedural judgment and come up to the preparation of a procedural document,” explained Serhiy Shklar, Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine for Enforcement Service.