Anticorruption Council needs transformation – activists


The analysis of the Anticorruption Council’s activities in 2016 showed a number of setbacks. Out of 78 protocol mandates in two years only 29 were implemented, 28 were not; 21 mandates were only partially implemented or are being implemented.  “Since January 2017 Anticorruption Council has not had a single meeting. Technically, the Council has stopped operating”, – said Oksana Velychko, member of the Anticorruption Council of the Kyiv mayor, expert of the RPR-Kyiv group during a press briefing at Ukraine Crisis Media Center.

The main setback in the Council’s functioning is its advisory status. “Our decisions are not obligatory – you can implement them or not. Bureaucracy, lack of mandates’ implementation, initiative and support, exclusively formal approach – these are major risks, “- said Oksana Velychko.

Oleksandr Pliva, member of the Anticorruption Council, chief expert of the RPR-Kyiv group says that external advertising sector has the least percentage of implemented protocol mandates.

Mykhailo Serebriakov, member of the Anticorruption Council of the Kyiv mayor, expert of the RPR-Kyiv group calls the anticorruption policy of the Kyiv mayor “a metaphysical paradox”. “There are cases when the city mayor and the Anticorruption Council have real anticorruption achievements, but their implementation raises surprise, if not fury,” said Mykhailo Serebriakov. An open competition for the positions of the municipality heads was launched in Kyiv. As of June 6, only 5 competition commissions were started.

A special attendance journal was created in order to monitor the activities of the members of the Anticorruption Council. “Some prominent public sector members have only attended the very first meeting of the Council. They, along with many Kyiv City State Administration representatives have barely contributed to the Council’s work”, – reported Oksana Velychko.

Olesia Arkhypska, member of the Anticorruption Council of the Kyiv mayor, Transparency International Ukraine expert, expert of the RPR-Kyiv group, notes that the public sector suggests a number of changes to the Anticorruption Council Regulation. The Council’s work can be improved by introducing co-management by a public sector member and Kyiv City State Administration member.  It is important to undertake more serious measures for lack of protocol mandates’ implementation.

Oksana Velychko calls on the Kyiv mayor to launch the Anticorruption Council under the new regulations starting September 1.